Sonntag, 24. August 2014

Armenische Jesiden helfen Glaubensgeschwistern - Karabach gewährt Asyl - US-Botschafter in Eriwan besucht Jesiden

"Auf Initiative von Misha Aloyan wurde in Russland ein Hilfsfond für êzîdîsche Flüchtlinge eingerichtet. Dank seines Einflusses und Kontakten konnte er einflussreiche êzîdîsche Geschäftsmänner und Politiker für den Hilfsfond gewinnen, und sammelte so in kürzester Zeit über 100.000$, die er den Flüchtlingen übergeben wird. Aus Russland wurden bislang insgesamt über eine Millionen Dollar gespendet, um den Flüchtlingen aus ihrer katastrophalen Lage zu helfen."
Boxweltmeister Aloyan mit großem Einsatz für Êzîden aus Shingal

“A genocide is being carried out against the Yazidis in the 21st century and the President of Turkey Erdoğan, former President of Iraq Talabani, and the President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Barzani are responsible for it,” Hasanyan said. Meanwhile, on the same day as the press conference, the government in Stepanakert announced that Artsakh is ready to welcome Yazidis fleeing persecution in Iraq.
The Armenian people cannot be indifferent to what is now being done to the Yazidi people,” Babayan told “The Yazidis are the only people who have become an integral part of the Armenian people.”
Armenian Yazidis Blame Erdogan for Genocide of Iraqi Kin

ohn Heffern, the U.S. ambassador in Yerevan, met with leaders of Armenia’s Yazidi community on Wednesday to discuss the plight of their displaced co-ethnics in Iraq.
In Murazi’s words, the Yazidis also want Washington to supply them with weapons for self-defense and help create a Yazidi autonomy in Iraq. “All Yazidis hope for the creation of an autonomy because even if this fighting ends and, God willing, the Islamists are driven out of Yazidi areas Yazidis cannot imagine their future life there with the same status and under the same regime,” he said.
U.S. Envoy Meets Armenian Yazidis

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